Research focus areas
Much of the funding for autism research over the past couple of decades has gone toward identifying a genetic cause for autism. While this was a necessary step, it has yielded little fruit. To date there has not been a single autism gene discovered, or even a cluster of genes, that explain a majority of autism cases. While there may be a genetic predisposition to autism, more likely there are other cellular and environmental causes. We are particularly interested in better understanding of potential alterations and the interrelationships among them.
The microbiome and microbial metabolites
Cell metabolism and mitochondrial function
Immune system regulation and inflammation processes
Emerging research suggests all of these areas may be involved in the processes of autism and the best research seeks to examine relationships among these physiological functions. Many of these areas cited above are poorly understood and their importance in disease is just beginning to come to light. It is likely that as we understand the conditions that lead to autism, we will make significant discoveries that dramatically advance our understanding of other complex, chronic diseases.
If you share our focus, please consider dedicating a portion of your charitable donations to N of One: Autism Research Foundation through a one time or an annual gift.
Project (Grant) Budget Policy- Researchers will be asked to provide a project budget including justifications for major direct cost line items. Direct funds awarded must be used only for the specific project for which the funds were sought. The N of One: Autism Research Foundation does not allow indirect costs of any percentage to be taken from grants for projects we fund. N of One will seek a proportional interest in any license or commercialization proceeds from any intellectual property that arises from grants. Any funds paid but not used as specified must be returned to N of One.