N of One: Autism Research Foundation is excited to announce a new feature to help our supporters and followers stay abreast of the latest autism research. Our Research Roundup will be written by autism researcher and blogger Paul Whiteley and will bring you “must read” information about the latest emerging science relevant to autism. Research Roundup will be written for non-scientists in an easy-to-understand language that will help you understand the latest autism research and share it with others.
The first few installments will be dedicated to some of the foundational areas that we believe hold the keys to making breakthroughs in our understanding and treatment of autism
Our inaugural post, "Why the Microbiome Matters in Autism" describes research that has implicated the microbiome as being a central figure in autism. Our next couple of posts will similarly cover the Immune System and Cell Metabolism. Going forward, posts will summarize the latest autism research in a straightforward way that will help you put it into context.
Why Follow Research?
No condition has ever had meaningful research breakthroughs without people who are passionate about the cause behind it - autism is no different. Research is what is going to provide the answers that we are looking for to help our children live the best lives that they can. We invite you to read our inaugural post and to please share this knowledge with your friends and family to create meaningful autism awareness and action within all of our communities.
You can sign up for Research Roundup Here

Paul Whiteley is a well known autism researcher and blogger from the UK who has covered the latest autism research for years in his popular blog Questioning Answers. Paul has an incredible ability to connect-the-dots across very wide distances of research. Some of his areas of research focus include the impact of dietary changes on autism and using mass spectroscopy techniques to better understand biochemical changes seen in autism. Paul is Director of Research at ESPA Research in the UK and has his PhD in Health Informatics for Pervasive Developmental Disorders from University of Sunderland.